Aug 17, 20155 min read
The GM Labeling Law to End All Labeling Laws
Originally published by Food Tank on 08/17/2015 As the vitriol intensifies in what passes for debate over the safety of genetically...

Mar 25, 20152 min read
World Health Organization: GM-Crop Herbicide a Probable Carcinogen
Originally published by Food Tank on 03/25/2015 The World Health Organization (WHO) apparently has not gotten the memo about the supposed...

Feb 27, 20155 min read
The War on Genetically-Modified-Food Critics: Et tu, National Geographic?
Originally published by Food Tank on 02/27/2015 Since when is the safety of genetically modified food considered “settled science” on a...

May 27, 20145 min read
High risks, few rewards for Mexico with Monsanto's maize
Originally published by Al Jazeera on 05/27/2014 Mexico is the 'centre of origin' for maize [Reuters] I'd come to Mexico to investigate...