The Small Planet Institute is currently seeking energetic and motivated interns to join our dynamic team. This is a unique opportunity to work directly with Frances Moore Lappé, author of 20 books, including best-selling Diet for a Small Planet, in a small organization doing groundbreaking work to inspire and empower passionate action for democracy and environmental policy reforms in the United States.
Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé founded the Small Planet Institute in 2001. Small Planet Institute’s mission is to spread (via writing, speaking, and media) an empowering understanding of democracy as the wide dispersion of power, transparency in public affairs, and a culture of mutual accountability. We call it Living Democracy, enabling each of us to act effectively on emerging solutions from electoral politics and economic life to the environment, hunger, agriculture, and beyond. Our vision is thus a future where all communities are thriving with dignity as Living Democracies, fulfilling our essential needs for personal power, meaning, and connection. Frances Moore Lappé is the author of Diet for a Small Planet and 19 other books, including It’s Not Too Late!
We are looking to fill 4 Democracy Intern positions for Summer 2025. Our Democracy Interns will work to support the Small Planet Institute with writing, research, and outreach. The focus will be mainly on research for Frances’ writing and media appearances, as well as general organizational upkeep. We also are seeking an intern to help us build our social media presence and online base. In-person presence in our Cambridge office will be required for all of your weekly hours. Small Planet Institute’s Cambridge office is located in the heart of Harvard Square, one block from Harvard T (Red Line).
NOTE: This is a volunteer position. Should you seek a grant or fellowship through your school we will work with you to fulfill your required hours.
This position is for Summer 2025. We have two positions for full time interns (35-40 hours per week) and two positions for part-time interns (12-16 hours per week). Your regular weekly schedule will be established when you start and be between 9am-5pm ET, Monday – Friday. Then your schedule is open to discussion and change as needed.
The share of time you might spend on each work area below will vary depending on whether or not Frances has a writing project deadline. Work area opportunities may include:
Research and fact-checking assistance for articles, reports, fact sheets, and Frances’ speeches
Copy-editing print and web pieces for publication (Box)
Graphic design for Frances’ event slideshows (Canva)
Assisting with event and publication promotion, academic and partner outreach campaigns
General organizational support
Social media content creation
We are committed to working with our interns to aligning their role with their interests and goals. If, for example, an intern is more interested in developing administrative skills, we do our best to make sure that most of their projects are related.
Strong research and writing skills, including editing and fact-checking
Preferred background in political-democracy, climate change, and food system reforms
Passion for democratic social movements and the mission of the Small Planet Institute
Comfortable with both teamwork and individual work
Ability to excel with minimal direction and supervision, and also able to follow directions when given
Academic credit available if your college’s requirements are fulfilled by this position-- some educational institutions require prior approval before the start of an internship for academic credit and it is the responsibility of the student to check with their institution to be sure they meet any requirements before they accept a position
Exposure to and connection with many leading organizations working on democracy, food justice, and climate
A letter of recommendation from a highly recognized name in the democracy & food movement
The opportunity to learn about some of the most pressing issues of our time
And, of course, the chance to work one-on-one with Frances!
Email your cover letter and resume to info@smallplanet.org. Please specify whether you are interested in a full time or part time intern role.
Thank you for your interest!


Thank you for your interest in Small Planet Institute! Our volunteer needs are primarily for researchers, therefore our need for volunteers is periodic depending on Frances' writing projects. We appreciate your willingness to donate your time and we hope to have the opportunity to work with you. Please note that our volunteer program can be remote, but we do we ask volunteers to work a minimum of 5 hours per week Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm for at least 3 months. If you are interested and available, fill the application form below. In case of any enquiries email info@smallplanet.org.