You Have the Power

ISBN 9781585424245
By Frances Moore Lappé & Jeffrey Perkins
Frances Moore Lappé—author of the three-million-selling Diet for a Small Planet -- and Jeffrey Perkins offer the radical notion that our fears can be a source of energy to create the lives and the world we want.
Now more than ever, it seems, our lives and those of our loved ones are at risk. Our normal response is to retreat. But what if fear were not a negative force but a positive one-a source of energy and strength? Sharing their own intimate journeys with fear, as well as the experiences of others, the authors offer seven liberating notions that can help unleash your power to walk into the unknown and create a more fulfilling, authentic life. Fear means go, they teach us, not stop.
Table of Contents
Our Journey
Seven Swordsmen at the Door
1) Kathryn’s Cry: On Hearing Fear as a Signal
2) Dark Matter: On Facing the Void
3) Ninety Percent of Life: On Showing Up with Fear
4) The Fires of Creation: On Creating with Conflict
5) The Dragon’s Mouth: On Enemies as Teachers
6) The Kayakers’ Cove: On Choosing Our Tribe
7) Women in the Rain: On Multiplying Courage
Fear, Courage, and Hope
Choosing Courage: Ideas for Discussion and Action
Reading Group Discussion Questions
Creating Your Own Courage Circles
Seven Old Thoughts and Seven New Thoughts About Fear
Outwit the fearmongers. Read this gutsy gem!"
— Michael Moore
Lappé popularized what she argued was the moral imperative of eating vegetarian in her 1971 classic, Diet for a Small Planet; Perkins co-founded the nonprofit Curious Minds, which helps youth identify and work towards a future vocation. Their idealistic treatise attempts to turn the constricting presence of fear into a ‘power to create the lives we want and the world we want.’ According to Perkins and Lappé, fear is spread by politicians and media that encourage people to be frightened of other countries and cultures, and that magnify the danger of crime. The result, they argue, is an emotionally paralyzed population, immobilized against real global dangers. In order to take action against environmental degradation, hunger and species extinction, people must dare to act, they say, and overcome fear by leaping into the unknown with creative solutions. They cite numerous examples of those who have helped trigger change in themselves and the world by taking risks. A woman named Jane Stern, for example, faced down a lifelong phobia about illness by becoming a volunteer medical technician and helping others who were sick and dying. After reading a newspaper story about a murdered homeless Guatemalan boy, a Manhattan chef changed his life, despite initial terror, by going to Guatemala and establishing a program for inner-city children. Lappé shares the way she coped with her fears after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, while Perkins describes how he found the courage to tell his parents that he was gay. This a fine collection of engrossing and inspiring anecdotes rather than a how-to manual, by two people who obviously care about the world and its people."
— Publishers Weekly
Passionate and wise. Just the book we need now."
— Eric Schlosser, Author, Fast Food Nation
Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be as personal as a trip to the dentist or as pervasive as a Department of Homeland Security-issued orange alert. It can be paralyzing and painful, debilitating and embarrassing. It can also be liberating. The authors share personal revelations, from Lappé’s breast cancer diagnosis to Perkins’ coming out as gay, and apply the lessons they learned about coping with fear to individuals and cultures. Exploring ways in which fear engulfs us, they acknowledge the rationalizations used to avoid actions that have the potential to make people happier, freer, and more productive, and societies more compassionate, valiant, and proactive. Whether it’s based in conflict, oppression, intimidation, or isolation, fear must first be understood before it ultimately can be destroyed. In this unique and uplifting examination of an elemental human condition, the authors offer concrete methods for conquering those demons that threaten to rob us of a joyful existence and a peaceful coexistence."
— Booklist